Friday, October 17, 2008

Oh my beloved famili

To understand your parents' love, you must raise children yourself

mmm keluarga penting woo dlm idup aku. kalo xde diaorg ntah amende ak nk buat pn ak x tau..famili n sahabat yg byk bntu ak kalo time ak ssh or erti lain kepale msk air.=p thankx 2 mama,abah,along,abg pie n adik2 skalian..abah ak ni org nya pnyabar thp dewa,ssh tol nk tgk beliau marah tp kalo dh marah errkkk..abah selalu pesan kt ak, kite idup ni jgn amik harta benda org. kalo org amik yg kite pnye xpe tp kite jgn brdendam plak ngan org tu, kite xleh nk hukum org sbb kdg2 kite sndiri pn ada wat silap..abah oh abah,nape la abah ni pnyabar sgt orgnya. x paham jiwa ak dibuatnya..ak dgr je nasihat abah, apply tu kadang2 je la becoz i'm not perfect person.hehe

Family and Friends are hidden treasures, seek them and enjoy their riches

mama plak, pnyabar gak orgnya. kdg2 garang gak tp mama ak sporting giler.. my mom a.k.a an angel for me tp skarang ni tgh sakit, harap2 mama cepat sembuh. minta maaf mama kalo ank laki mama ni degil tp dgr ckp kan.muahhh

The family is one of nature's masterpieces

along ak plak degil orgnya tp semangat kuat cam supergirl.hehe slalu masak kt aku kalo ak lapar,thanx along kerna masakan along best bangat seyh..

Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter

mmm abg pie,abg ak sorang ni suka nasihat ak tp abg ak ni blh thn best gak dia ni sbb leh kata 1 kepala la ngan aku al maklum la 1 mak n 1 ayah..1 lagi slalu payung aku makan.ahakx

At the end of the day, a loving family should find everything forgivable

adik2 ak plak degil tp dgr ckp,byk kena buli ngan ak .ak kan abg . kalo x buli x syok,umah jd sunyi lak kalo xde suara adik2 n abg2 n along.hee neway luv u all damn much dan xde tapi2 dah, 4 eva luv u all!=)

My family. I realized they are the most important part of my life. Throughout the year I had many challenges, but my family were always there offering support and encouragement

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